Friday, August 18, 2006

From Tokyo with love...

Wrote this today... Im still traveling, hope to get soon to Beijing to put all my ideas on paper and get it out there.

Poem No. 78 (Tokyo, 2006)

I talk to myself
on lonely afternoons
beneath shades
drinking tea
smoking weed
beside a tree
I talk to myself
who else can understand what I see or feel
my chaotic personality
my love for autodestruction,
my need to need the need
to feel the caress,
the sublime feeling when we first met,
to fall in love in on day,
with different persons,
on the same day.

I bet you wouldnt understand

So I talk to myself on lonely afternoons, beneath a tree, seeing kids
running free,
I kiss the wind,
the mystic smile,
on lonely afternoon,
I talk to God,
I talk to myself,
to not forget my place in this world

Jack Raif

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jack Raif and Massa

Jack Raif and Massa
Jack Raif and Massa,
originally uploaded by Jack Raif.
Last night as I enter a restaurant in Hong Kong, no empty seats! So the waiter sits me with another client in his table. To tell you the truth I thought the guy sitting with me was around 30 at the most, striking conversation he told me he was 41. I said "Damn man! Tell me whats your secrete? Do you excersice?" he said "No, I'm too lazy, I sleep in my leisure time and watch TV" to that I replied "How come you are not fat?" he says to that "I dont know could be my metabolism". He ask me about my age and how did I manage to travel a lot, didn't I work? Didn't I study? Suddenly I realized something and I asked... "Are you married?" He said "No". "That's why you look so young, cero stress bro!" after a few minutes he left most of his food on the plate, ask for the bill in cantonese and said something to the waiter which I obviously didn't understand and said to me: I've paid your bill, welcome to Hong Kong.

Stories stories stories... now to poetry... love poem number 420. Also know as the Ghost Poem.


Amazed by you,
The ghost
That appears when I least expect it,
That specter that follows me from the past,
My love,
My desire,

Neglected, we have both departed to new worlds,
Our love faded into the night sky
And like stars, ghosts we became,
Shinning but no longer existing.
We are just there to be amazed
To remember
Once it happened
Once it was there.

My love,
From time to time I wish I had not met you,
For all this need to need
Finds it's essence in you
My love,
For all the time being is a long wait
To forget you
And there is no desire for that to happen
So my love,
I feel alone.

You are my ghost
And like a ghost I can't touch you
Like a ghost I can't love you
Like a ghost you'll have to wait when I die
To make the pieces fit right
And together be at last
In that unknown future
We only know by speculation
after that,
We will meet again,
If not,
Let me have no recollection of you in my head
Let the torn of the rose be flattened
For I don't want to feel pain if I'm never ever going to get you.
If the light that shines is just an illusion
What else can I grasp to?
What can I do when I want to
With you

Denny me my love,
Hear these words
Realize well never be together
Well never have what we have lost
And that time is the hangman
That laughed when it pushed the lever
And our love fell but was tied to our souls
Say that you don't love no more
And like a ghost
Go back where you belong
To my cemetery of lost loves.

Jack Raif